# Typography

Classes and helpers for controlling font size and style.

# Base styles

Our typographic scale is pretty straightforward. For the most part, you should be able to use h1 - h4 for heading tags. We're not currently using h5 or h6 tags. There are heading classes that correspond to each of these type hierarcies:

Class Properties Mixin
.heading-jumbo size: 48px / 3.42rem
line-height: 32px / 0.6666
weight: 500 / Medium
.heading-1 size: 24px / 1.71rem
line-height: 32px / 1.3333
weight: 500 / Medium
@include heading-1
.heading-2 size: 20px / 1.43rem
line-height: 28px / 1.4
weight: 400 / Regular
@include heading-2
.heading-3 size: 16px / 1.14rem
line-height: 24px / 1.5
weight: 400 / Regular
@include heading-3
.heading-4 size: 14px / 1.00rem
line-height: 20px / 1.43
weight: 500 / Medium
@include heading-4
.text-small size: 12px / 0.857em
p size: 14px / 1em
line-height: 21px / 1.5


You may also prefer to only use a particular size or weight from the above heading settings. There is a helper function for this:

typo(element, attribute)

...where element is one of: h1 h2 h3 h4 body, small, button
...and attribute is one of: line-height, size, or weight

# Example:

typo('h1', 'size')           // 24px;
typo('small', 'size')        // 22px;
typo('h3', 'weight')         // 400
typo('body', 'line-height')  // 1.5

# Usage



The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

<p class="heading-jumbo ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="heading-1 ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="heading-2 ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="heading-3 ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="heading-4 ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p>The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-small ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>

# Text modifiers

Class Properties
.text-capitalize text-transform: capitalize;
.text-lowercase text-transform: lowercase;
.text-uppercase text-transform: uppercase;
.text-no-wrap white-space: nowrap
.text-truncate overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap
.text-left text-align: left;
.text-center text-align: center;
.text-right text-align: right;
.text-justify text-align: justify;
.text-underline text-decoration: underline;
.text-strike-through text-decoration: line-through;

# Usage



The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

<p class="text-capitalize ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-lowercase ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-uppercase ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-no-wrap ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-truncate ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-left ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-center ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-right ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-justify ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-underline ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-strike-through ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>

# Font weights

Class Properties
.font-weight-regular font-weight: 400;
.font-weight-medium font-weight: 500;
.font-weight-bold (or <strong>) font-weight: 600;

# Usage



The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

<p class="font-weight-regular ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="font-weight-medium ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="font-weight-bold ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>